Illustration: Ena Jurov for Fine Acts
12 artists from 12 European countries took part in our international SPRINTS to redraw the notions of democracy and freedom as we see them today, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Тhe illustrations depict both the progress and challenges facing even long-standing democracies.
Pictures: Mihail Novakov
All creative works produced during SPRINTS are shown at our dedicated pop-up exhibitions, and then made available online through a Creative Commons license on, allowing activists and nonprofits from around the world to use them to make their work or campaigns more visible.
Throughout history the intersection between art and activism has played a crucial role in various social movements by spreading the word and igniting people to action. Visual content continues to be of utmost importance for giving visibility and engaging support, and the foundry helps nonprofits that lack the capacity and resources to create it.
The artists who teamed up for this project are Anja Slibar (SLOVENIA), Anna Katalin Lovrity (HUNGARY), Boris Pramatarov (BULGARIA), Ena Jurov (CROATIA), Ján Vajsábel (SLOVAKIA), Juste Urbonavičiūtė a.k.a Kissi Ussuki (LITHUANIA), Maya Sumbadze (GEORGIA), Nvard Yerkanian (ARMENIA), Paul Virlan (ROMANIA), Stefan Mosebach (GERMANY), Varvara Perekrest (UKRAINE) and Zane Zlemesa (LATVIA). See all their works here.
Download the zine with all developed works here.
The fourth edition of SPRINTS was supported by the US Embassy in Bulgaria and Goethe-Institut Bulgarien, with the general support of Open Society Foundations and Sigrid Rausing Trust.